Welcome to Grayson Athletic Association
Cost for the 2023 Softball Fall Season will be $185 ($275 if you live outside of
Gwinnett County). Gwinnett County charges each out of county registration $90, and they verify this information based on the address you register. Registration fees this fall will cover: Jersey, Pants, Belt, Socks, Officiating, Field Maintenance, Team Equipment, and an end of season award.
The Grayson Athletic Association's Softball Program is excited to announce registration for its 2023 Fall Softball Season for children ages 4 - 18 years of age. When signing up online please make sure that the information you have submitted is correct and that you are signing up for the right sport! When determining which age group your child will be in, determine the age of your child as of Jan 1st 2023 with the exception of 4-year olds. The minimum age requirement for Softball at GAA is 4 years of age. Your child must be four years old prior to Jan 1st, 2023. NO EXCEPTIONS. An age verification process will take place. Parents will be responsible to make sure that you have placed
your child in the right age group. Parents wishing to play their child up in the next age group will need to have approval from the Softball Director prior to completing the registration process. No player will be allowed to play down from there age group. Playing up in an age division will be evaluated by the Softball Director based on skill level and seasons played.
T Ball birth date 2017-2019
Pee Wee birth date 2015-2016
Minor birth date 2013-2014
Major birth date 2011-2012
Junior birth date 2009-2010
Senior birth date 2005-2008
Tentatively the season is scheduled to start early September and end by late October/early November. We are reviewing our Evaluation process (more information to follow after Registration ends). We will hold a draft and you will be assigned a coach who will contact you regarding your first practice. Typical schedule is (2-3) practices a week until the season starts. Once the season begins typical schedule is 1-3 games a week and possibly a practice in-between. We will play other parks in the area during the season.
Check the website www.gaasports.org and click on the softball tab for information. If you have any further questions, please email us at Softball@gaasports.org.